Wednesday, March 21, 2007

(a) Research Questions

I suppose the whole point of writing a research paper is to write what has already been written. The other day, someone wisely instructed me to tell my reader that my honors project was already written and was in the library--he just has to find it. So much for contributing something original to the greater cause. Before I talk myself any lower, I will remind myself that research papers of the sort I am crafting are also written in hopes of adding new insight or making connections (valid ones, i hope) that were not thought of before.
That off my chest, here's what I am really and truly after:

With our (the human race) current knowledge, what is the best neuropsychological model of hypnosis as used in the treatment of patients with chronic pain?
And every scientist's favorite: What next? or: what more do we need to know? or: where does this knowledge put us in the grand scheme of pain management?

1 comment:

Joel A. Shaver said...

I like this blog! I just got a new book today: Semantics, Culture, and Cognition by Anna Wierzbicka. Want to start a reading group? :-D lol j/k afk